The former Tudou office is now a youth hostel

Street in front of former Tudou office

A couple of days ago I had a meeting close to the former Tudou office next to the Suzhou Creek, so I decided to walk over and see what had become of the building. The street in front of the office was still basically the same: no cars allowed and quite nicely decorated with lots of trees and grass next to the water.

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

But when I arrived at the former entrance gate I realized the office was now turned into a youth hostel, the Shanghai SOHO International Youth Hostel. So I decided to just walk in and snap a couple of pictures.

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

The entrance area is also still pretty much the same, maybe a few more plants now and I also think the outside tables and chairs were not there before.

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

Downstair was the reception area, but I decided to go up right away. The stairs still remind you to “Mind your step”.
The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

The picture below shows the former reception of Tudou. Interesting is that the Tudou graffiti on the wall is still there!

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

In the rest of the building there is still some graffiti from Tudou times, but most has been repainted after the hostel moved in.

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

The stairs to the Tudou restaurant are still there, including some of the original graffiti, but the boxing ball is gone. The roof top terrace was also still there, but I could not enter without a key card.

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

The rest of the hostel had been converted in a lot of small rooms. The place looked pretty clean to me, from my backpacking times in the mid 1990s I had expected a different kind of hostel (it’s probably good I did not blog yet at that time, I would not be proud of some of the places where I managed to sleep during that time).

The picture below is actually the window in Grace’ former office. The ugly prison-like window bars are still there, I guess it was cheaper to keep them there than to replace them.

The former Tudou office on the Suzhou Creek is now a youth hostel

Always interesting to see what happens to buildings when companies move out. I sort of expected a creative company or an ad agency to move into the premises, but I guess a youth hostel is also a good fit for the large space. Likely none of the guests has any clue that this is the place where Tudou grew from a small start-up (after first having offices in Xujiahui and later in the Si Hang building) to a really big player in the Chinese Internet industry.

If you want to stay in the former Tudou office in downtown Shanghai you can do so for almost nothing: dorm beds cost RMB 55 per night and rooms without a window start at RMB 199 (for a room with window you pay RMB 100 more). You can book the hostel here

A Chinese company plans to build the tallest skyscraper in the world – in just 7 months!

Sky City skyscraper in Changsha

An ambitious Chinese construction company announced that it plans to build the world’s tallest skyscraper in Changsha. At 838 meters the building will be 10 meters higher than the current #1, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The Burj took 6 years to build, but the Chinese company Broad says it can do it within 7 months from the moment it will break ground!

Unbelievable? Maybe, until you consider that they have some previous experience in the super-fast construction of tall structures. I wrote about about Broad on this blog twice already over the past years, once when they constructed a 15-story hotel in 6 days, and once when they finished a 30-story building in 15 days. And now they plan to go from 30 stories to 22o stories using a similar method with pre-fabricated components from its factory.

The new tallest building in the world?

Still, I am not sure if I would feel safe over 800 meters above the ground in their building. The company may have experience in 30-story buildings, but structures that are more than 7 times as tall are a different league, and they have no previous experience with that kind of skyscrapers. Let’s see what’s going to happen, their plan is to finish the building before the end of the year.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet – an amazing dining experience!

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

A couple of weeks ago I heard that Paul Pairet would open a new restaurant in Shanghai, a place that would offer a never-seen-before dining experience. The name? Ultraviolet. I have been following Paul’s cooking skills since he was the chef at Jade on 36 and later at Mr. & Mrs. Bund. Over the years I had many dinners at his restaurants and the experience and the food was always great. Therefore I decided to visit Ultraviolet as soon as it would open and that was a decision I do not regret!

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Ultraviolet is different from any other restaurant you have ever been to. First of all you don’t know where the restaurant is. You get an aperitif at Mr. & Mrs. Bund and are then transported to the semi-secret Ultraviolet location. Second, you will be having dinner at a big table for 10 people, people you may have likely never met before. Third, you can’t choose what to eat, but you have to follow what the kitchen will serve you. Fourth, it’s not a simple 2 or 3 course dinner, but a 22 (yes, that’s twenty two) course culinary experience that can’t be compared to anything else I have ever seen. I could continue this list, because Ultraviolet is incomparable to any other place – not only in Shanghai, but possibly worldwide.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

We arrived at Mr. & Mrs. Bund around 6:45, and most of the other guests were already there. Fabien Verdier, our host of the evening and director of the dining experience, received us with a glass of pear cider and explained a bit about the evening. He gave all the guests a copy of the 22-course menu for the night, a list with names on it like “Pop Rock Oyster”, “Cucumber Lollipop”, “No Shark Fin Soup” or even “Hibernatus Gummies”. Every course had a drink pairing (mainly wines, but also beer, sherry and some teas), so don’t drive yourself if you plan to have dinner here!

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

I won’t give a detailed experience of the whole evening, that may spoil it for people who want to be surprised and just want to have a fantastic experience. Next to that it’s almost impossible to describe what you will see, hear, feel, smell and taste during the night – it’s an experience that you have to be part of yourself.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

From Mr. & Mrs. Bund we were transported by van to the Ultraviolet location, which turned out to be very close to one of my offices (I won’t say which one), so I actually knew the building already. We were led to the entrance and all had to wait at a steel door. Suddenly the door opened and we entered a steel cage, while the door closed behind us. Everybody looked at each other, nobody had a clue what was going to happen. I won’t describe that here either, but it was a great start of the evening to enter a restaurant like this.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

A few minutes later we entered the dining room, a big darkened room with a huge table with 10 seats around it. The table itself turned out to be a big computer display that had our names projected next to the chairs where we were supposed to sit. We were told that anybody who wanted to use the rest room would better do it now, because the show was ready to start and you would not want to miss part of it.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Suddenly the room was transformed into a courtyard with the walls covered with green leaves, all through 360 degree projections. With loud music coming from the sound system the room suddenly seemed to turn into an elevator and we were going down and down and down – until we ended up in space! Then 10 waiters came in and brought the guests their first course. The dish was titled “Ostie”, a combination of apple and wasabi, with Gothic Church Bells playing in the background. A great combination to start the culinary journey.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

During the next couple of hours we did not change our seats, but the setting changed with every dish. Different video projections and audio feeds, all somehow linked to the dish that was being served. For example for the Micro Fish No Chips, it seemed to be raining. The walls showed the rain falling and the sound systems played the sound of heavy rain. The table transformed into a projection of the English flag. It all fit together so well, and it made each and every dish a special experience.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

We had restaurant settings among the fish in the sea, on a bridge in Paris, with the view from Mr. & Mrs. Bund, but also waves on the rocks at the seaside and for a Greek dish sceneries from Greece. Every scene was accompanied by special music that was related to the dish.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

The food was of course superb, or as Alain Ducasse (who had been the first guest before the venue opened officially) wrote on the wall of fame: magnifique! Several of the dishes I had before in either Jade on 36 or Mr. & Mrs. Bund, but the setting is so much different that it’s a whole different experience eating them here. Paul Pairet is a magician with food, he is able to make combinations that you could never think of yourself and prepare them with his state-of-the-art kitchen equipment.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Halfway the dinner we had a short break in the winter garden, where people could have a smoke – but none of the guests smoked. It was also nice to talk to some of the other dinner participants. It turned out that many of them were in the F&B business themselves. For example, the guy sitting next to me was the Chef de Cuisine at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, and the couple sitting opposite us were both working for Starwood (one of them was a former chef in several Starwood hotels). There was someone from Club Med, and there was even a writer who was writing a book about the world’s top restaurants (I think, I just caught some things he was telling other guests). An interesting group of people for sure.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Paul Pairet is among the very best chefs in the world, and he is willing to take risks with his food and with his restaurant concept. Ultraviolet is his life’s work: he spent the past 15 years working on this concept and the past 3 years building it! If you think about it, working for 15 years to realize your dream and then doing it in Shanghai, that is just plain amazing.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Paul Pairet can see what’s happening in the rest of the restaurant from his kitchen

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Having one of the desserts in the kitchen, Paul Pairet is the one in the background wearing a cap

He is a real entrepreneur, someone who believes in his concept and finds a way to make it work. And that is not easy, because from what I understand he makes a big loss on a per person basis. You pay RMB 2000 per person for the dinner, but the costs are more in the order or RMB 5000 per person. He has sponsors who cover part of this costs, but he also has other ideas to be able to earn back the money.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Our group, Table 007 (we were the 7th group of guests at Ultraviolet)

And I think he will succeed: Ultraviolet will bring Paul Pairet even more fame. I think this is a restaurant that people may travel to Shanghai for, just to try it out. It’s the combination of the show (the meal is a big show with 25 people working on the stage and behind the scenes), the decor and the amazing food. Everything just fits together, while using the latest technology both inside and outside the kitchen. This may actually become one of those top restaurants that people just must have been to once in their life. For me it was an incredible food experience.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

It’s hard to describe in words, but look at the pictures and imagine the food – and then make a reservation as soon as possible. Don’t go here on a date or a romantic dinner (although you will impress your date!), but go here for the food and the experience. The place is now already fully booked for the next couple of weeks, and I am afraid that very soon you’ll have to make reservations months in advance. But just do it, I can almost guarantee you that you won’t regret it.

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet - an amazing dining experience!

For more pictures of the Ultraviolet experience see this set on Flickr.
For reservations go to . The evening starts between 6:30 and 7 PM at Mr. & Mrs. Bund and the dinner will be finished around 11:30 PM. 

Check whether your LinkedIn password has been compromised

My LinkedIn password was hacked as well

When the news came out this week that 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords had been hacked and put online, I did not really think about it. There are over 150 million LinkedIn accounts out there, I hardly ever use LinkedIn and I never click on spam or phishing mails (I think), so I figured there was only a small chance my account would be among the hacked ones.

Well, that was not the case it seems. You can test whether your account was compromised here, and if you get the message that I got it’s time to get a new password asap. And if you use the same passwords for other accounts, better change them there as well.

I don’t really use LinkedIn and had a password that I don’t use for other accounts, so it’s not a very big deal. But if you are hacked and used the same password for more than one account you may be in for some nasty surprises. Better be safe than sorry and change your password for all these accounts right away.

On the anniversary of 6.4.89 the Shanghai Stock Exchange goes down 64.89 points

Shanghai Stock Exchange on June 4....

Today is June 4, and it’s the 23rd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. As usual around this date Internet censorship is pretty tight in China, especially for keywords related to the date June 4, ’89. So if you search for 6.4 or 64 or 64.89 you will likely not get any results. So guess how many points Shanghai’s stock exchange lost today? 64.89 points! You can’t make this up… Because of this even the words Shanghai Stock Exchange are currently censored on Weibo (China’s Twitter). – great wine & spirits offers in China

Last week M1NT was once again chosen as Club of the Year by CityWeekend, but M1NT has more to offer than just a fantastic club and an amazing restaurant. A couple of months ago the company launched, a website with special offers for wines, beers and spirits.

As a M1NT shareholder I am of course biased, but I really think that this week’s offer is a great one, so I want to share it with my readers. For RMB 980 you will get:
1 bottle of Bacardi White Rum 750ml;
2 bottles of Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial 750ml;
1 bottle of Absolut Vodka Original 750ml;
1 bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin 750ml;
1 bottle of Chivas Regal 12 Years Old Scotch Whisky 700ml;
plus 1 case Asahi 24x350ml

Order quickly because the offer is only valid this week and it’s first come first serve in case certain products are sold out. I am going to order a mixed case tonight! See for other offers the website

M1NT Cellars has a great special offer this weekRMB 980 for the above combination of bottles on

M1NT only delivers in Shanghai at the moment, minimum order is RMB 500. There are no delivery fees, payment can be done by credit card, PayPal, AliPay, or cash on delivery. – And no, I am not getting paid for this blog post!

The Rise of Social Media in China

A reader of this blog, designer Chee Seng, created an infographic about the rise of social media in China. He contacted me and asked if I wanted to put it on my blog, and because I think this is an excellent infograph I put it on my blog. Chee Seng writes at, a tech blog with all kinds reviews of the best free web resources (from free music to free online family tree makers, and from free accounting software to free invoicing programs). No infographics there though! Thanks for providing me with this infographic Chee Seng.

Infographic: The rise of social media in China

A Day In The Hamptons


On Sunday the weather was excellent, so we decided to rent a car and drive the 100 miles (160 km) from Manhattan to the Hamptons. As you may know, the Hamptons is a favorite place for many New Yorkers to spend their weekends (or their vacation time) between Memorial Day and Labor Day. It’s a place to see and be seen, and people love to show off their nice cars and the latest fashion.

I had not been to the Hamptons since I worked at Mercedes-Benz headquarters in Germany in the late 1990s. At that time I was doing revenue controlling for MB passenger cars in the USA and Canada, and I often tried to stay for the weekend after a business trip. I mainly remembered that I liked the area but found the beaches pretty boring, and that is actually still the case: the white sandy beaches with dunes remind me of the beaches in Holland and the water is just as cold right now!

Beach in East Hampton

But generally the Hamptons are a great area to spend your free time when you live in the big city. But you’ll have to make sure that you bring some money, because it’s not cheap. Buying a house is still crazy expensive. As usual we looked at some listings at real estate agents and we were shocked by what sellers dared to ask for top location properties (on the beach or bay front). For the best locations you’ll need a lot more than a few million dollars if you want a nice property. Of course you can always rent, but even that’s expensive: nice houses in good locations set you back several hundreds of thousands of dollars just for the summer.

Anyway, we were not planning to buy nor rent, so we just laughed about the prices. And likely there is a lot of negotiation possible with the prices, because what struck me as well is how many properties are on the market. I have no idea if that’s always the case, but in some streets it seemed as if almost a quarter of all houses had a for sale sign. Maybe people are just waiting for the right offer? Or is this a sign of a recession?

East Hampton

But people still spend a lot of money, because when we wanted to have lunch at a nice restaurant there was a huge line of people waiting to get in. So we ended up buying some salads and wraps at a deli, and ate them picnic style in the sun.

Grace and Sonja did some shopping in Bridgehampton, which has a nice village center with high end shops, while I read the New York Times on a bench in the sun. Very enjoyable, both for them and for me.

Beach in East Hampton

We also visited some of the beaches, but that was actually a bit hard: you are not allowed to park anywhere close to East Hampton’s beaches if you are not a resident. I remembered this from the past as well and I don’t like it too much. Non-residents are allowed on the beach, but it’s just very hard to get there without a car. We parked there anyway for a couple of minutes and luckily nobody checked our permit.

Montauk harbor

In Montauk (at the Eastern end of the peninsula) it was much easier to get to the beach by car and as a result the beaches were much more busy there. Montauk itself I did not like too much, way too touristy for my liking, probably because the place seems to be full of (cheap) motels. I liked Montauk harbor though, which is a bit further down the road from Montauk. We had drinks at a harbor front restaurant, which was very enjoyable. Many fishing boats drove by, mainly with tourist going on deep sea fishing trips.

Wolffer Estate Vineyard wine tasting

While driving through the Hamptons we saw several signs for wineries and even for a wine route. Being a wine lover I decided to make a stop at a winery on the way back to Manhattan. We ended up at the Wolffer Estate Vineyard, a very nice, small winery located in Sagaponack.

As with most wineries, this one also had a wine tasting, so we decided to try out some of the wines. The wine tasting was not cheap (USD 18 per person), but you got value for money because we got 4 decent glasses of wine for it while sitting in the sunshine on the terrace overlooking the vineyards.

Wolffer Estate Vineyard wine tasting

We had a sparkling wine (made out of Chardonnay grapes), a Chardonnay, a Cabernet Franc and a Merlot/Cabernet Sauvignon/Cabernet Franc blend (with the name Fatalis Fatum – I forgot to ask why they gave it such an unlucky name). The wines itself were much better than I had expected, I did not realize that Long Island could produce good wines. I especially liked the Chardonnay, even though I found the price quite steep (but I guess that has to do with the fact that the winery is quite small, so you have no efficiencies of scale).

I had wanted to try their Sauvignon Blanc (which has become my favorite white wine since my trip to New Zealand in January), but you could only taste or buy that wine as a Wine Member. I found it a bit too much to become a wine member just in order to taste a wine, but I hope to one day find and taste a good Long Island Sauvignon Blanc.

Wolffer Estate Vineyard wine tasting

After the wine tasting we made a short walk along the vines and then we headed back to Manhattan. I can understand why people like to stay in the Hamptons, and although I likely won’t come back for the beaches I may come back in the future to check out some more wineries.

Meeting Irving Fields

Some people are impressive from the moment you meet them. One of them is Irving Fields, the 96-year old pianist at Nino’s on W58th. Last night my sister, Grace and I had dinner there (a big seafood platter followed by all kinds of steaks, with New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and Californian Cabernet Sauvignon), and when we walked in we were immediately welcomed by the pianist with a little tune.

Irving Fields at Nino's Tuscany on W 58th

After our starter he walked over to our table to ask if we had any special requests (Billy Joel’s New York State of Mind and Frank Sinatra’s My Way were our choices) and then we started talking. Until then I did not realize that he was 96 years old. He looked much younger and he behaved like somebody many years his junior. He told some of the stories of his life: although he was born and raised in New York he spent much of his live abroad playing on cruise ships all over the world and in some of the most exclusive hotels (The Taj in Bombay, The Peninsula in Hong Kong and the Imperial Hotel in Japan). In the 1950s he was quite famous with his Irving Fields Trio with which he topped the charts and he recorded almost 100 albums in his life! He actually even composed a theme song for YouTube, that has been watched almost 850,000 times already.

Signed Iriving Fields CD cover

Of course I bought his latest CD, that he signed for me. When he realized that Grace is Chinese he gave her a copy of his composition “Hong Kong Serenade”, so she can ask any pianist worldwide to play it for her. It was great meeting a friendly, truly nice and very gifted person like Irving Fields, he made our excellent dinner into an even more special evening. When we left he gave us a list of  his secrets to longevity, which contained among others “When in an argument, change the subject”, “Be happy about the success of others, not just yours”, “Travel is important, memorable, fun and educational”, and “Enjoy every day to the fullest”. I don’t think he will ever read this, but I would like to thank him for the great atmosphere he created last night and I hope he will keep on playing for many years to come.

Irving Fields plays 6 nights at week at Nino’s on 117 W 58th, check him out there if you in the neighborhood and looking for a great dinner with live piano music. Irving Fields Wikipedia entry is here