I bought a new Samsonite carry-on bag in November, and had only used it on 3 or 4 plane trips when suddenly the top handle broke off. Exactly to avoid that I bought my Samsonite at an official upclass store instead of on some fake market. But it seems that the even the quality of original products is not as good as it was.
So I went back to the store (Isetan in Meilongzhen) last night to get the suitcase repaired. The reply: sorry, you have to go to the repair store to get it repaired. But the official guarantee papers clearly state (even in Chinese) that you can bring your suitcase back to any official store to get it repaired. No she said, that’s not how we do it, you have to bring your suitcase there yourself. In China you always have to fight for your right, so a loud argument started in the store. This was too much for the shop girl, so she went to talk to someone else (her boss I presume). Eventually a compromise was reached, they would send it to the repair center, and I could pick it up there when it would be repaired. That was fine for me, because I found out the repair place is on my way to work.
But I cannot get used to the arrogance of Shanghai shop assistants who simply refuse to help a customer. It happens all the time, even in high-end shopping malls. They are just lazy, and if you don’t make a scene they try to ignore you. There are still a lot of service improvements possible here!