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Nokia copyright infringement?

Everybody can freely use my Flickr pictures under the Creative Commons license, and because of that they end up on many websites. Sometimes even on commercial ones, which is actually not allowed according to the Creative Commons license that I use (Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives). I don’t mind that very much, but people should at least have the decency to check if it’s OK.

Recently for example Nokia used one of my pictures on its website to promote the E65 phone: They did not check with me if I would agree to this, and except for the credit I did not receive a penny. This is fine with me, I am not blogging nor taking pictures to make a living – that’s also why I do not put ads on this blog for example. But it’s a bit weird that someone else finds out and asks me about it. I did not even get a link (trackback), which is the least they could have done.

And amazingly they even dare to put Copyright Nokia 2007 next to it. So now they suddenly own the copyright to this picture? That’s turning the world upside down Nokia!

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  1. Oh I hate that!!!
    I don’t know how about this issue in The Netherlands, but Chian that is common, right?

    many of my freids have this problem now…

    Not only Nokia, but also some media companies online, they just took the pics and label their logo on those… It is weird!

    especially where we can ask for expiation of our own copyright??

    Some way I don’t like my motherland.. Just hope legal system can be a little more comprehensive…


  2. Hi Marc,

    Very poor action of Nokia. Where can we find the original photo?

    Good luck with your mosquito bite.


  3. Hi Bas,
    The original is still somewhere on my Flickr stream I suppose (too many pictures there :-).
    Mosquito bite was probably nothing, but it happened just after I was reading about a malaria outbreak here in a local paper.

  4. Of course the “copyright Nokia” is utter nonsense. Without a piece of paper signed by you saying you transferred the copyright, the copyright remains with you.

    I know some lawyers at Nokia. Do you want me to ask around?


  5. @Arnoud: thanks for offering your help, but I don’t plan to do anything about it. I find it interesting to observe this corporate behavior, but do not intend to waste any time on it. The only reason I blogged about it is to make people aware that these things are happening.

  6. I think it’s a shame!!! Poor Nokia. They want free pictures?
    You could send them a bill, just a very small one. Let them know that you know what they do….
    They kill photography bussiness……….this way.

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  8. And it was even take from my car (with Marc in it)! I also want royalties.. 🙂

    Martin, Dubai

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  • El copyright en la industria china: el Halloween de un fotógrafo | INSTRUCCIONES PARA UNA VIDA REAL December 18, 2008

    […] Este caso, que te puede parecer aislado, no lo es tanto y este señor, por arte de magia, descubre que no solo esta empresa, que por ser china esta libre de pecado, comete tales abusos, sino que una de las fotos de su cuenta de Flickr también ha sido utilizada por Nokia para una campaña. […]

  • Elaine’s picture used without permission on Chinese halloween costumes | Shanghaied Weblog December 18, 2008

    […] that do this, something similar happened once with Nokia: one of my Flickr pictures ended up in a campaign for the Nokia E65! AKPC_IDS += "2505,"; Tagged […]