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No electricity in the office

Today I am working from home, not because I like it but because the government decided to cut electricity in the neighbourhood where our office is located. And without internet access it is a bit difficult to run an online gaming & game development company. So the whole company got a day off, and most seem to be enjoying it because only a few colleagues are online at home (no, I am not checking on them, just noticing it :-).

The good thing is that today is Woman’s Day in China, and as a good employer you are supposed to give the ladies in the office a half day off on this day. Well, I did that this year – although not completely voluntarily.

I won’t complain too much about the electricity cut, I already did that when we got the notice. And I learned that sometimes I am still thinking way too Western: the general opinion among my colleagues was that I should not get upset about it (you cannot change it anyway), but be happy that we at least get a notice in advance. There is a lot of truth in that.

And although it’s bad for general company productivity, it also has it good sides. I noticed that I got a lot more things done this morning than in the office. There people walk into my office all the time (which is fine, I even stimulate that), making it difficult to think some things through or focus on a more complicated email. Today it’s nice and quiet without any external disturbances, except for my ayi who keeps walking in with drinks and fruit. I managed to catch up on a lot of business mails, which gives me a good feeling. I will now go for a lunchtime run in the gym downstairs, also something I cannot do when I work from the office. Maybe I should consider working from home one morning per week?

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  1. @shopgirl: can you explain why you think I am discriminating? Or is it just a way to attract attention to your own blog?

  2. Marc, i think you are discriminating… thats your job.

    Discriminate the good of the bad things to do for tudou and spill group 🙂

    Always nice when your blog visitors recognize those qualities

  3. Im not trying to attract people to my blog, because it’s soo damn fabulous that people go there by their own will.

    well, I said it’s discriminating that women should get the day half off! Women and men should be treated equal. Days like Women’s day are so damn unnecessary and silly.

    (I’m not trying to advertise, not at all)