Note: I dictated this post to ChatGPT and it cleaned it up for me (it took out the repeats and things like ‘eh’, and it actually rephrased some sentences). Then I edited it myself, which took more time than I had expected. Not sure if I like the result better than writing a normal post: I feel when writing it on a laptop I tend to go deeper and add more detail. My sentences also tend to be much shorter when dictating. Maybe I need to just practice it a bit more?
On New Year’s Eve I was invited to a dinner party with some AI entrepreneurs and investors in Singapore. Of course the main topic was how fast AI had developed in 2024 and what would happen in 2025. We all agreed that 2025 would be a very interesting year – not just for AI, but also for crypto and for the direction the world is going.
In 2025 jobs will start to disappear
Although we certainly didn’t agree on everything, we all believe that in about ten years we could live in a world of abundance. However, the period until then will be a transition period that will be very hard for most people. During 2025, we will start to see that people are not able to find jobs anymore. Either people right out of university that can’t find work or people that get laid off and cannot find new jobs anymore. For example, I believe that anybody who is in law school right now will find it very hard to find a job at a law firm after graduation, because most entry-level jobs at law firms can now be done by AI agents. The same is true for consulting jobs. I believe 2025 will be the year where the first large firms will start implementing AI agents at scale. Anybody good at building AI agents and prompting them could make a killing this year.
When talking to a friend working at a large consulting firm last week, he told me that most clients are not interested to work with junior consultants anymore. They just want to work with the partners. They’re not willing to pay for juniors, simply because they can now do those tasks themselves with large language models and very soon with AI agents. If you’re a junior consultant, it will soon be very difficult to find a job right out of university. Clients, and therefore these firms, just want to work with experienced people. This is happening right now and in 2025 this is going to get worse. It starts with juniors, then it gets to middle-level consultants. In the end, I think most consulting firms might downsize by 80%, 90%. And maybe eventually, companies don’t even want to use human consulting companies anymore. A company like McKinsey could be run by AI agents with justs a few humans for social connections. Maybe that’s the next big thing, who knows?
Anyway, the problem is that these people that are laid off (or not hired in the first place) won’t have money. There is social security in many countries, at least in the Western world, but not in every country. And people that are laid off will certainly not be able to live their lives at the level that they were used to. That’s going to be a huge transition for many. I recently read a story on X about a Google Senior Director who had been laid off (something that happens regularly at these large firms). These can be $1M+ salary positions, and in the past it would be fairly easy to get a similar job with similar pay at another tech firm. But this person has been without a job for 9 months and wasn’t even able to get a job with a 70% pay cut. Of course there could be other reasons for this, but I start hearing more stories like this. I believe there is a trend here and that AI is behind it.
Preparing for social unrest
Because of these lay-offs, quite soon many of these people actually may not even be able to survive anymore. What we are going to see is a lot of social unrest, potentially riots or even a civil war ‘against the rich and AI’. That is going to be a dangerous thing. At the NY Eve dinner party we mostly agreed that we have to be prepared for this. One of us said he is considering a move to Argentina over the next years to avoid the problems that will happen in the world. Another one was looking at living in a rural area in the north of the US, which I think is a good idea because I now think the US will do really well during this period (but you probably don’t want to be in the big cities there). There are a number of places where you could live more safely during the next 10 years to avoid the real problems in society.
Maybe we’re overcautious? Could be, but keep in mind that we are entrepreneurs and investors who spot future trends to make money, and we think you cannot be too prepared for this. I’ve never really been a prepper (except in the months before Covid hit, when nobody saw yet what was going to happen), but I’m getting to the point that I feel like we may have to somehow become a prepper to survive in the future.
A future of abundance
AI is going to hit us very soon. It has of course already been hitting us, but so far it was less visible. This year many people might for the first time realise that their life will be changing in a negative way because of AI. Eventually life will get better, but as mentioned it will take at least 10 years until we get to a society of abundance, a society where AI helps us to do most of the work and where humans can have a more relaxed life. Where we don’t have to work hard anymore, where we can have a lot more free time, and where most things will be (almost) free. So you won’t need a lot of money anymore to live a good life. Entertainment is already almost free. Things like Netflix or Prime Video don’t cost that much per month for basically all movies and TV shows in the world. YouTube has even more content and can be accessed for free with ads. I think transportation will be almost free because energy costs are going to be much lower than they currently are thanks to renewable energy and nuclear fusion. Because robots can build everything for us, including other robots, the production costs will go down tremendously. Humans will be able to live a very different and potentially very much better life than they currently can for hardly any money. So that’s a major difference. But the next decade could be very difficult.
Climate change will add to the problems
At the same time, what we’re seeing is that climate change is hitting us as well. And many people still don’t want to see what the effects of climate change are. The inability to look the problem in the face points towards a blind spot in human psychology that allowed this problem to form in the first place. They sort of feel like ‘it’s not that bad’ or ‘technology will solve it’. Well, technology certainly will solve a lot of it eventually. However, I think it might be too late. We are already at the point of no return or even past the point of no return. I often give the example that once you start to boil an egg, you cannot unboil it anymore. And that’s what we’re seeing with climate change as well. Lots of changes that have taken place over the past couple of years simply can’t be reversed and will lead to a planet that could be uninhabitable for much of humanity.
The combination of AI and climate change will lead to major changes. And I think many humans actually might not be able to survive the coming 10 years. Not just a few million, but potentially hundreds of millions or maybe even billions of people could not survive the changes. And this is going to be a very difficult period because of it. It’s hard to say how it will play out, there are simply too many variables that are difficult to predict. But I think if you do not prepare for this, you could be in serious trouble.
For me, I look forward to 2025. It’s going to be a very interesting year for crypto and for AI. But it’s also going to be a difficult year for many people. So what I would tell everybody in the first week of this new year is to be positive, but be prepared. Make the right investments right now, both financially and with your time. Learn how to work with AI to help it improve your job so it will be safe for a bit longer. But also be prepared to lose your job and start creating side income streams. Things can change fast. I know that for many people it’s difficult to move to another location. But it’s something you should keep in mind, because the world around you will be changing. If you are prepared, you will have a better chance of getting through this next decade and end up in a world of abundance. Hopefully I’m wrong. But if I’m not, it’s better that you know what might hit you than that it will all of a sudden happen without being prepared.
Always a pleasure to pick ur brain Marc
99% of business school/economists are trained on the theories of “scarcity”. Who teaches theory of Abundance??
Nobody yet, although there are a number of books on the subject. I remembered reading Abundance by Peter Diamandis at least a decade ago already (although that’s not about the AI abundance that we are facing now).