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Summer in the City

After some cold days (18-20 degrees) because of typhoon Chanchu, summer has now really arrived in Shanghai. This weekend the high will be around 30 degrees, and although next week will be a bit cooler (around 26 degrees) I don’t think it should get below 20 again in the next couple of months.

Tonight we were planning to go to the Louis Jadot dinner in Club Jin Mao (87th floor of Grand Hyatt), but I think we will change that for a light dinner and drinks in the garden of Sasha’s or Cotton’s. I heard there is a new trendy bar/lounge/restaurant (and soon hotel) in Shanghai, Pier One that needs to be checked out. The place, located on Moganshan Lu, is supposed to have a nice terrace overlooking the Suzhou Creek, so that’s an option for later as well.

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