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Looking for a painting? How about a real Mao?

On Tiananmen Square one of the eyecatchers is Mao’s portrait on the Tainanmen Gate on the north side of the square. According to the Shanghai Daily the original painting is now put up for sale by a Beijing auction house. It seems that this portrait hang on the gate in the 1950’s and 60’s, but was subsequently replaced by copies. The auction price is expected to be around USD 150,000.

One thing is a bit strange though. The paper mentions that the size of the picture is 91 cm by 68 cm. I cannot imagine that originally such a small picture would have been hanging on Tiananmen Square, because the current one is at least several meters tall. Is this is a mistake by the newspaper? Or, because so many products are fake in China, is this maybe a fake as well 🙂 ?

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