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DJ Tiesto's Shanghai gig

Right after the Rolling Stones after-party Marcel, Samuel and myself went to Babyface to see DJ Tiesto play. It was a ten minute walk from Xintiandi, and it was nice to be outside for a few minutes to cool off. The tickets for Tiesto were quite cheap, only RMB 220 including his latest CD! So it was no wonder that Babyface was overcrowded. When we came in Tiesto (or Tijs Verwest, as his real name is – he is Dutch) had already started his set.

After some intelligent dancing (dancing through the crowd to the front) we managed to get right in front of Tiesto. It was quite an experience to see him work – being the best DJ in the world is not a simple task. But he seemed very relaxed, dancing behind his turntables and smiling at the other guys next to him when he once again managed to do his magic music tricks. This guy is really, really good at what he does. I am not a big dance fan, but he got me into a trance as well (the lack of sleep, beer and whiskey may have helped as well).

The crowd here was quite different from the Rolling Stones, with an average age of early 20, and a lot more Chinese. I don’t think many people went to both concerts, especially not in one night. But I loved it, completely different music, completely different performances, but both great fun.

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