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Stormy days ahead: super typhoon Muifa will hit Shanghai this weekend

Super typhoon Muifa on its way to Shanghai

Every year a couple of typhoons pass by Shanghai, but the last big one that exactly hit Shanghai was on the weekend of August 6-7, 2005. Exactly 6 years later another super typhoon will hit Shanghai on the same weekend, also on 6-7 August. Current predictions are that typhoon Muifa will blow into Shanghai from the East China Sea and make landfall here late Saturday night, with wind speeds of up to 130 mp/h (210 km/h). Its path can still change, but has been pretty stable for the past 24 hours.

That means a weekend full of rain and wind, with just 15 minutes of complete silence when the core of the storm is over Shanghai. I saw on my blog that the last big typhoon brought up to 300 mm of rain in 2 days. Today’s rainstorm was a lot less heavy than Muifa, but that already transformed some roads into canals. I took the picture below from my car window on Hongxu Lu, the water was so deep that most cars did not dare to drive through it!

Hongxu Road looks like a river from my car - and the typhoon is not even here yet #heavyrain #shanghai

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  1. I was going to ask if that person was diving in for fish. My goodness…be safe and will crosspost this — hopefully we can get some other snaps from town as well.

  2. Wow, same weekend! That is unbelievable. Please be careful and hope it won’t cause too much damage to the city and people.