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Scott learned to ride his bicycle today

Scott can ride a bicycle!

Scott has been riding a bicycle with side wheels for almost 2 years, so now it was time to teach him to ride on a normal bicycle. Last weekend I removed the side wheels of his bicycle and I went out for a ride with him. At first Scott plainly refused, he just walked next to his bike. I finally convinced him to try it out, by promising to hold him the whole time so he would not fall.

It took about 15 minutes before he understood how to get some sort of equilibrium while riding, so he would not fall continuously. After 30 minutes he managed to ride a few meters without me holding him, but it was not a big success.

So today we gave it another try, and this time it went without a problem! Right away he got the hang of it (see video below or here on Tudou) and rode away from me as fast as he could. A few minutes later he even started riding over the speed bumps on the roads in our compound – without falling! He is very proud that he can now ride himself and I am a proud father!

At the same time Elaine also ditched her small tricycle and moved onto a bicycle with side wheels. I taught her how to ride last weekend and she picked it up very fast. She now tries to follow Scott and I try to make sure that none of them stays too far behind or falls down. An impossible task of course, but a lot of fun! See her video below where Scott almost crashes into her in the end. If the embedded video doesn’t work you can see it here on Tudou.

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