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Scott learns to swim

Since we came back from Holland almost 3 weeks ago Scott started his swimming lessons. He had a few last year already, but at 3 years old it was more fun and play than really swimming. So this summer we decided to hire a private instructor who comes to our house 3 times a week to teach Scott how to swim.

I did not expect too much progress because 4 years old is still quite young to learn to swim, but in 3 weeks he learned to crawl relatively well without using his inflatable armbands. And he loves to be in the water. Partly because it’s much better than to be outside in the Shanghai heat, but also because he likes to be under water. He spends most of the time now diving to the bottom or making underwater summersaults. He is totally unafraid. But we still need to watch him closely: he is now overconfident and doesn’t see the risks involved yet.

This morning Grace took a couple of short videos. A 12-second one I uploaded to YouTube and embedded above in this post, it shows Scott while he swims to me. If you can’t see it, this is the YouTube link. Grace uploaded a longer clip to her Tudou account as well, you can see Scott swimming here.

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