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Reading a story for Scott’s class

Reading a story in Scott's class

This month is book month at Soong Ching Ling kindergarten and parents could sign up to read a story in class. Of course I decided to participate and signed up for yesterday to tell the kids a story. I didn’t really know what to expect with 2 and 3 year old kids, most of whom just started learning English 3 months ago. Would they be able to sit and listen quietly or start running around? It turned out that it was a great experience and I don’t think I ever had a more captive audience!

Reading a story in Scott's class

I only read for 10 minutes, because the attention span of young kids is not that long. I chose a story about a mother duck that had laid several small eggs and one big one, and she went to visit all different animals to check if the big egg was theirs. So on each page I could ask the question if the egg belonged to a cat, a monkey, a bear etc. After two animals the kids realized the answer was always no, so they all started screaming “No!” to my question. So cute to see them so involved in the story.

Reading a story in Scott's class

I really enjoyed it. “The best things in life are for free” may be a cliche, but this kind of experience is just priceless. Scott was very happy and proud to see his dad in his class room, and I later heard that he told both our driver and his nanny that I had read a story in his class. And he even told my parents what the story was about. Glad I had the opportunity to do this!

Telling a story in Scott's class

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  1. Marc, you’re a great dad. I hope to one day follow your example. – A long time reader, Timen, Saigon, Vietnam.

  2. Great story! something completely different but very joyful to read. I hope I can do he same thing when I’ve got kids!