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No more foreign newspapers allowed in airport lounges

I am sitting in the business lounge at Shanghai Pudong airport waiting to board a flight to Amsterdam. I usually have a drink here and read a US or Dutch newspaper before departure, but it seems I will have to change this ritual: The Chinese government has apparently issued a new regulation saying that foreign newspapers and magazines are not allowed in lounges anymore! This is the first time I hear about this new rule and I seriously wonder what use this is. I guess I will have to read the paper online then.

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  1. Typically stupid move by the Chinese government. Do they really think that they are going to stop anyone that has access to an int'l flight from reading a foreign newspaper? This will only further harm China's reputation – but rightfully so.

  2. Speaking as the kind of person who is normally inclined to think the worst of the Chinese government, I simply cannot believe that this is caused by censorship. If they are selling newspapers like the Daily Express in the Hong Qiao departure lounge (as they were only just last Sunday) then I have to think that this is more likely due to some kind of bureaucratic mess-up based on the fact that they are being handed out for free rather than sold. But hey, the CCP very often more than fulfils my worst expectations, so maybe it is exactly what it appears to be?

  3. 29 July I took KLM from Pudong to Amsterdam and didn't notice the sign. But maybe because I didn't use the business lounge. Anyway the times I used lounges in China I recall there were never foreign newspapers. But what is new is the fact that in Xiamen airport they sell some foreign magazines now like the National Geographic. Thats a new development. At least here.

  4. Actually, as a Chinese, I also feel angry about all the "blocking" things. We are so eager to contact with international world. Just dont know what is the government thinking. Maybe as a Chinese proverb goes,"Rather killing 1000 innocent people than losing the very one evil person".Sigh…

  5. I think the next step would be to contact your local People's Congress rep and see what they can do about it.

  6. Pointless of them to do this, considering that you can just read it online.