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Uphill Rush a big hit online

Zlong Games, Spill Group’s game development studio, produces a lot of flash games. Most do pretty well, and some become huge hits. The latest blockbuster is Uphill Rush, a racing game with dirt bikes, quads, trucks and skateboards, where you can perform lots of tricks on several obstacle courses. The game is completely free, like all our games, and can be found on thousands of websites all over the internet. The game is so popular that people even started to make their own video’s of their performance in the game, and upload them to YouTube!

The clip below, for example, shows a person who manages to finish three levels without falling. Another one is this one, where someone is trying to do some insane tricks. Some even found cheats and uploaded them to video sites. Of course I am very happy to see that people like our games! Thanks to the team at Zlong Games for doing such a good job, and to the Spill Group team in Holland for coming up with these game designs.

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