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A baby changes your life!

Scott is 9 days old now, and in these 9 days my life has changed quite a bit. The most difficult thing right now is that he wakes up about 3 times per night. Just knowing that you will wake up 3 times already makes me sleep bad, and I don’t think this is something I can get used to easily. Last night (on a Friday) I went to bed before 10 PM already! I don’t think that has ever happened in the past 25 years, except when I was jetlagged or sick.

During the week I even went home once for lunch to play with Scott, and I on Thursday I went home at 5 PM already to spend some time with him. He is still so small, and I really miss him during the day. I am even considering to put a live webcam at his bed, so I can look at him whenever I want. And no, I won’t put the webcam’s address online.

It’s just great to see how quickly he develops. Especially the first days you really see changes in his behavior, he can already do so much more than a week ago. This morning Scott was trying to climb on my chest (not successful of course), and later he fell asleep there. That is such an incredible experience, I feel such a bond with him now already.

Priorities change a lot with such a small boy around. Instead of going for sports in the morning I want to spend time with Scott, and also for blogging I did not make much time. I was actually too tired for sports as well (lack of sleep) and during my usual blogging time (later in the evening) I was in bed already. I think this will change soon, I have to get used to this new rhythm of life.

In case you’re not too much into kids (like I was until a very short time ago), no worries. I did write mainly about Scott in the past week, but very soon my topics will cover other areas as well again. Having a baby is just too overwhelming, you will understand if you have a kid yourself or if you should ever get a baby. Thanks for you patience 🙂

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  1. That is a very sweet picture! The first time I saved your picture, haha:)
    He looks so cute. I can not believe that he is just 9 days old.. En, you could guess 1 or 2 months old…But whatever, however, he looks great!
    Take care, hei, Papi. hahaha