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Shanghai Sailing Club at Dianshanhu

Today I went to Dianshanhu, a lake about 50 km outside Shanghai, to watch a couple of sailing races. I had not been here before, and I was pleasantly surprised. The sailing club is located directly on the lake, close to a golf course and next to the start of the two rowing lanes.

A very nice location, where you feel very far away from Shanghai, even though it’s less than an hour drive from downtown (assuming no traffic jams). I think it’s a great place to spend a day or weekend (there are hotels and villa’s for rent) in summer next year.

Membership of the sailing club is not very expensive, prices start at RMB 2500/year, about USD 350 at current rates. You can rent boats per hour, or you can put your own boat there. Among others the club has 470’s and Lasers, but also kayaks and speed boats. Check out the club’s website:

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  1. Hi! Great post! I know this post is an old one but I am wondering if you know of anyone that sails from Shanghai to Dianshi Hu. Any information will be great! Thanks! Terence

  2. I have not been to Dianshanhu in quite some time (since I have 2 kids now I mainly spend weekends in or around home). Also my friend who used to sail here every weekend moved back to England, so I can’t put you in touch with him either. I’d recommend to try to get in touch with the sailing club through their website.

  3. Hi there,

    I go for sailing in Dianshan lake every week end. If you want to try a boat, or just learn sailing around Shanghai, feel free to contact me.

    Hadrien (134 8239 0628 or

  4. For more on Dianshan Lake and its activities, visit

    We offer the residents, visitors and sports enthusiasts coming to Dianshan Lake in Shanghai, a website that allows them to share information, events, news and personal ads. Facebook and other tools have been integrated into this site bringing you a feature rich but easy to use experience.

    Membership, posting news, events, personal ads and all other services are FREE to all local residents in and around Dianshan Lake!

    Register today on and have a great time there.

  5. Sailing does wonders for clearing the head. Good to see that the club rents boats for those who know how to sail and those willing to learn.