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I am going to be a father!

A picture says more than a thousand words: my wife is pregnant, and early January 2008 we expect to have our first baby! Today we did an ultrasound (basically a live video of the foetus), and the doctor printed some pictures for us. Amazing to see the foetus move inside my wife’s belly, even the arms and legs already moved up and down. We are very happy!!!

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  1. Congratulations, having a child is an extremely satisfying experience and a chance to learn many new things!

  2. Congratulations!

    A lot of future stories expected!

  3. I’m sorry to say that all of the pictures have errors. Maybe the links are wrong.
    My whole family is longing to the photos, so I hope the problems could be solved soon.


  4. @all: thanks for the congratulations!
    @Jason, the reason is that the Flickr photoservers are blocked in China. But of course there is a way around it. First make sure you use Firefox as a browser (not IE), and then install this add-on:
    Now you should be able to see all the pictures again. Good luck!

  5. Soso. Just before leaving for Tibet you were very active and powerful in all fields 🙂

  6. Hello,

    I’m from Canada and I’m bringing my family of 6 to the Olympics in August 2008. I’m looking for someone I can trust to help me with travel & accommodation arrangements. I was wondering if you could help me find a suitable and reasonably priced apartment that I could reserve for the month of August 2008 during next year’s Olympics. If you are not able to help me do you know of other honest people that could help me?

    Thank you,
    telephone: 0017055626966

  7. Dear Grace, dear Marc,

    Funny to learn that through your blog. Modern times…

    Luca is looking forward to play with your baby ! I will tell him tomorrow and Carlo now.
    You will be a great father, Marc!

  8. Ok, after being according to your method, it’s able to see the pictures.
    Thank you!

  9. Hi Marc,
    Congratulations! for you are going to be a father. 🙂
    I believe that’s one of the most happiest things in the world.
    Looking forward to more exciting stories…

  10. good job Marc,
    i smoke a cigar when you announce the big day.
    floss, British Columbia