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Pudong airport

Sitting in the lounge at Pudong airport now, with free wifi. Just find the tp-link wifi connection and enter password tp-link. Always a good feeling when you can check an reply all your mails before boarding.

I am going to Amsterdam for a short business trip, so it will be a long day again today. When I drove out of the city the weather was sunny, but close to the airport it suddenly got very foggy. You cannot even see the runway from here (which is less than 200 meter away), and I hope this won’t cause the flight to delay.

I noted that it was very quiet at the airport as well, at least in the international area (domestic flights had long lines). At the KLM check-in desk there was nobody waiting in line in front of me, this has never happened to me before in Shanghai. The passport check just took 5 minutes, instead of the usual 30-40. I had expected it to be quite crowded because of the upcoming Chinese New Year, but it is the other way around. I guess most people who fly international only leave China next week?

  1. laat je het op je blog ook even weten wanneer het interview in de Elsevier komt/staat?

  2. Ik word wel vaker geinterviewd voor magazines of kranten, maar meestal post ik dat hier niet. Vaak laten bladen ook niet (of niet tijdig) weten dat een artikel erin staat. Mocht ik het horen zal ik het hier laten weten.