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Off to Macau

Last weekend I was in Holland, and had lunch with my parents close to Amsterdam. During lunch we discussed about running a marathon, and about the fact that I could not participate in the Shanghai marathon (which was last Sunday, while I was not in Shanghai). My dad is also a runner, and we had planned to run a marathon together for a long time, but it never materialized.

Because I knew this weekend the Macau marathon would be organized, we tallked about this and decided right there to both fly to Macau (he from Amsterdam, myself from Shanghai) to run the full marathon there. Not sure if it’s a smart idea, because I have not trained enough (nor has my dad). But it was my goal to run one marathon a year, and if I have a goal I to stick to it.

So I am off to Macau later today. The marathon will start Sunday morning at 7 AM. Wish me luck !

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  1. Beste Marc,

    ik hoorde van Lex dat jullie van plan zijn om een marathon te lopen. Ik wens jullie veel sterkte en succes.

    Ik vind jouw blog heel interessant.

    Groetjes uit Duitsland van jouw neef Thomas