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Bigger curves for Chinese women

The Shanghai Daily reported today that over the past 10 years Chinese women have become both taller and gotten bigger chests (the word breast was carefully avoided).

The chest circumference of Chinese women increased by nearly 1 cm in the past 10 years, the Beijing College of Clothing Technology found out in a recent study that focused on changes in figure for Chinese women. The study also found that Chinese women are 0.5 centimeters taller than in the previous period. These changes are mainly due to better food and more exercise.

The average height of 6000 women in China’s North measured 162.82cm and their average chest circumference was 83.54cm. Because Northern women are generally taller than woman from Southern China the average figures for China as a whole will likely be a little lower.

These figures are especially important for the underwear industry in China. This is a fast growing sector, and according to the report sales of underwear in China will hit more than 60 billion USD in the next five years.

That seems like a very high figure to me, because it would mean that the average person in China would spend almost 50 USD per year on underwear! In the big cities this could be true, but in a country where most people still live in the countryside this is very hard to believe.

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  1. There are about 600 million women in Chian, 60 billion USD in the next 5 years, means about 20 USD per year per person. However, it’s a big figure.

  2. Anonymous: You are wrong, 600 million * 20 = 12 billion, not 60 billion. So your figure is way too low.

  3. I think 600 million * 20 USD/year * 5 years = 60 billon, so it’s 20 USD per year, and 100 for 5 years.

  4. I would assume the 60 billion is a yearly figure, not a total for five years. It would be unusual to report a figure for a 5-year period (although with the level of reporting of the Shanghai Daily I would not be surprised 🙂