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Good food can be bad

It’s well-known that food is one of the most important things for a Chinese. So a holiday like the Spring Festival means eating good food several times a day. A heavy breakfast with filled buns, a big lunch with meat, fish and vegetables, lots of snacks and fruit during day time, and then a big dinner followed by even more snacks. This is supposed to be healthy.

But is it really? The Shanghai Daily wrote today that Shanghai’s Liren Women’s Hospital’s out-patient department treated 30 percent more patients for intestinal problems this week than normal. Doctors said many patients suffered diseases due to an improper diet over the Spring Festival!

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  1. HA! I am not surprised. Besides the heavy meals..there is a constant stream of snacks to be taken.

    This to symbolize a “sweet new year”.

    In many cases a lot of oil is used when cooking. To make it worse, some really nice fresh cooked or steamed veggies are (from my point of view) often spoiled as they chuck a load of oil over them.