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Video Podcasting

Not sure which word will survive, video podcast, vodcast, or vlog (or something completely different), but for now I go with video podcast. Most people already have difficulties understand what a blog/weblog or a podcast is, so I am not going to make it more difficult for them.

I came accross this article on Business Week’s blogspotting weblog, that talks about Apple selling 1 million videos in 20 days. That seems a lot, especially considering that most people probably do not have an iPod Video yet, but play the episodes on their computer. So there clearly was a market for this that was not being filled.

Even more interesting, however, was the first comment under the post. Here a reader writes that a company that he consults for changed from an audio podcast to a video podcast, with amazing results. They now have 7000 subscribers to their podcast (but he fails to mention how many there were before). It fits with what we we are seeing at Toodou, people love video podcasts and the iPod video will only make video podcasting bigger.

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  1. Goodmorning. Getting up at 3am and acting awake, well done! Was a nice interview. You mentioned Toodou 4 times in 5 minutes, so you are not ready for politics 😉

  2. Thanks – I needed one liter of coffee to feel awake. Of course could not sleep after that.

    And hey, mentioning Toodou 4 times in 5 minutes is not that bad…